Christmas Bouquet
This festive, Merry Christmas bouquet is a classic combination of red, white and green. Featuring long lasting blooms in a fun and festive bouquet. We will choose the best and most festive blooms available.
$84.70 – $121.00
Merry Christmas Bouquet
This festive bouquet is a classic combination of red, white and green. Featuring long lasting blooms and a touch of Holly. The perfect Christmas bouquet. Perfect as a gift or arrangement for the home over the festive period.
This festive, Merry Christmas bouquet is a classic combination of red, white and green. Featuring long lasting blooms in a fun and festive bouquet. We will choose the best and most festive blooms available.
Size | Regular $77, Large $110, Extra Large $180 |
We have limited flower availability and opening hours until January 6th - please phone 0400238151 for availability and delivery options. Thank you. Dismiss